Register now for a free NFPA 496 Seminar!
Did you know members of our team have been conducting these fun, interactive and insightful seminars for over 30 years? Based on your current knowlege, we tailor our presentations to boost your knowledge and guide you through an open forum Q&A process of understanding essential NFPA 496 Code Requirements and how best to apply them.
To request one of these one or two hour seminars for yourself and others in your organization, please fill out and submit the registration form below...
Please note Best Purging Systems Corporation is not affiliated with nor accredited or certified by the National Fire Protection Association. Our guidance, recommendations and education regarding requirements of NFPA Code 496 are based upon over 80 years of combined experience as accumulated by our Senior Staff Members, as they've served both our many loyal clients and the NFPA as voluntary contributors and technical committee members,