Page 9 - F14-BPS-YZ104-Installation-Manual
P. 9

Purge Unit Operation

            1.  Ensure Protected Enclosure Power is OFF, Enclosure   7.  Allow unit to purge protected enclosure for the required
               Pressure Control Valve and Purge Control Valve are      time marked on the Unit Start Up Instructions (5 minutes
               closed, Protective Gas Supply is ON and alarm system    minimum).
               is activated (if utilized).                              Required Exchange   Time/Enclosure Volume
            2.  Test the Purge Vent, Model PV-4, for proper operation.
               Using the eraser end of a pencil or similar object, insert   4 Volumes       1 minute per 7.5 cf
               test object from inside the enclosure to confirm vent    5 Volumes           1 minute per 6.0 cf
               relief ball is operating properly. Note: For side mounted,
               Model PV-4-S, remove plug from bottom of tee fitting to   8.  Upon completion of the required purge time, close
               test vent relief ball operation.                        the Purge Control Valve fully. The Enclosure Pressure
            3.  Close and Seal Protected Enclosure.                    Indicator will return to a “Safe” 0.25” w.c. reading.
            4.  Slowly turn the Enclosure Pressure Control Valve CCW   9.  Confirm protected enclosure “Safe” pressure is stable.
               until a “Safe” 0.25” reading is shown on the Enclosure   Energize protected enclosure equipment.
               Pressure Indicator.                                  10. Loss of “safe” pressure requires immediate attention.
            5.  Open the Purge Control Valve fully. The Enclosure Pressure   Protected enclosure power should be deenergized if
               Indicator will go off scale to the high side, this is normal.  “Safe” pressure cannot be restored within a reasonable
            6.  Confirm a Min. 60 psi on Purge Injection Pressure Gauge.  amount of time.

                                                         Purge Control Valve

                                                           Purge Injection
                                                          Pressure Gauge


                                                           Control Valve
                                                           Unit Start Up

                       Model YZ104-CI-L-U                  Optional EXP
                      Less Pressure Switch                Pressure Switch
                          Front View

                                                                                         Model YZ104-CI-W or B-V
                                                                                          With Pressure Switch
                                                                                               Front View

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